
Musixmatch Pro - For artists and music creators

Create your creator profile and claim all the artists you collaborate with in order to manage their lyrics catalog. Verify your lyrics.

Musixmatch Pro, for artists and music creators

Verify your artists on Musixmatch Pro to: Distribute your lyrics on Spotify, Apple Music, Instagram and many more platforms; Outsource lyrics curation to ...

Musixmatch Pro for Artists on the App Store

Designed by artists, for artists, Musixmatch Pro is the go-to destination for lyrics and credits management. Musixmatch Pro empowers you to distribute ...

在App Store 上的「Musixmatch Pro for Artists」

2023年9月26日 — Designed by artists, for artists, Musixmatch Pro is the go-to destination for lyrics and credits management. Musixmatch Pro empowers you to ...

Musixmatch Pro for Artists

Musixmatch Pro 由藝術家設計,為藝術家服務,是歌詞和製作人員名單管理的首選目的地。 Musixmatch Pro 使您能夠在所有主要的數字流媒體服務和社交網絡上發布您的 ...

Musixmatch Pro for Artists

The go-to lyrics distribution and credits management app for music creators.

Musixmatch Pro

Verify your artist profile to add, edit and sync your lyrics autonomously and distribute them everywhere. Outsource your lyrics curation to our experts.

How to add and verify an artist profile on Musixmatch Pro?

4 天前 — Insert the Spotify and Apple Music ID for the new artist you want to verify and submit your request. Please keep in mind that the artist ...


Createyourcreatorprofileandclaimalltheartistsyoucollaboratewithinordertomanagetheirlyricscatalog.Verifyyourlyrics.,VerifyyourartistsonMusixmatchProto:DistributeyourlyricsonSpotify,AppleMusic,Instagramandmanymoreplatforms;Outsourcelyricscurationto ...,Designedbyartists,forartists,MusixmatchProisthego-todestinationforlyricsandcreditsmanagement.MusixmatchProempowersyoutodistribute ...,2023年9月26...

MediaHuman Lyrics Finder 1.5.6 歌曲歌詞搜尋工具

MediaHuman Lyrics Finder 1.5.6 歌曲歌詞搜尋工具
